By Email:
Please include your full name, contact numbers, names of the
housing development / developer (if any).
By Phone: 012-3345676
Please state your name, names of the housing development
/ developer (if any). If the number is on 'answer mode', please leave your
name and telephone number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
You will be asked to return the call to save our telephone expenses.
By Fax: 03-22601803
Please include your name, email address, contact numbers
if you wish for a reply to be given.
By Writing:
To: Advice Centre,
National House Buyers Association (HBA)
No. 31, Level 3, Jalan Barat, Off Jalan Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur
(If you
choose to write by slow mail, please include your full name, ensure your mailing address
is correct, include your telephone number and include copies of relevant
Our Advice Centre (for house buyers who wish to seek assistance)
is opened on Saturdays (please call 012-3345676 to confirm opening dates) between 1 to 5pm at the location below. Please
bring along all your relevant documents for our perusal.
Appointments for time allocation are preferred for complicated matters - you
can send an email or call for the appointment times.
Unauthorised Advisor/s Notice:
It has come to our attention that there are people going around giving
advice to house buyers and claiming that they are from HBA or have worked
with HBA.
HBA's panel of advisors are carefully picked by us and are only authorised
to give advice at
a) our Advice Centre;
b) at venues outside our Advice Centre only upon prior approvals
and appointments made through HBA.
If you have been approached by 'advisors' who claim to be from HBA or claim
to 'have worked with HBA' and you have not previously contacted HBA for
advice or for specific meetings, these 'advisors' are NOT from HBA;
not authorised by HBA nor connected to HBA in whatsoever manner. You can
verify the authenticity of an advisor by calling 012-3345676.
Our free services are for nice people only.
Location map (click to see larger picture) |

Location Map
