SPNB completes
with CF 23 abandoned housing projects
08/06/2004 utusan.com.my

THE State Assemblyman
of Sikamat MD Yusop Haramain Shah inspecting the abandoned
project of Phase 1 and Phase
2 of Taman Pelangi, Seremban after meeting the SPNB counterparts, June
7. - Utusanpix.
SEREMBAN June 7 - Syarikat Perumahan Negara
Bhd (SPNB) has successfully recovered and completed 23 abandoned housing projects
as at March 31, 2004, its managing director, Datuk Mohd Zaihan Mohd Zain said.
He said the projects were from a total of
172 abandoned housing projects nationwide identified by the Housing and Local
Government Ministry as at Jan 31 this year for recovery.
As for the remaining housing projects, 19
are currently under implementation, 92 under further study and the remaining
38 projects deemed as cannot be recovered without the approval of the Housing
and Local Government Ministry, he told reporters here Monday after a ceremony
to hand over keys to the owners of houses in Taman Seri Bayu, Ampangan,
another project that had been abandoned.
State Government Secretary Datuk Hamzah
Ghazalli officiated the event Monday.
Mohd Zaihan said that out of the abandoned
projects, 28 were from Selangor, 25 (Perak), 17 (Negeri Sembilan), 17 (Kelantan),
16 (Pulau Pinang), 15 (Pahang), 11 each from Johor and Sarawak, 10 from Kuala
Lumpur, six from Sabah, five Kedah, four each from Melaka and Terengganu,
two from Labuan and one from Perlis.
"The main reason for the abandonment of
these housing projects were the financial problems faced by the developers,"
he said.
SPNB is the wholly owned subsidiary of the
Ministry of Finance Incorporated, entrusted with the responsibility of taking
over and recovering abandoned housing projects in the country.
Mohd Zaihan said the Housing and Local Government
Ministry acted as the coordinator in the matter while SPNB implemented the
Besides resuscitating abandoned housing
projects, SPNB also carries out the Friendly Homes scheme for the underprivileged,
special projects as directed by the Finance Ministry from time to time and
the housing for the Armed Forces in the Klang Valley.
On the Taman Seri Bayu housing project,
he said the project had been abandoned by a private developer in 1997 and
the project was revived and fully completed by SPNB through an appointed contractor,
Gardenia Villas Sdn Bhd.
In reviving the project, he said SPNB was
involved in the completion of 127 residential units comprising 32 units of
low cost link houses, 20 units of medium cost link houses, and 75 units of
low cost terrace houses, complete with infrastructure facilities.